Wax paper is amazing! You can use it SO many ways! We posted just a few of them last week and in our Facebook Page we had over a hundred comments with even more ideas!!
A big thanks to our community!! These ideas are all from you!!
When I was a kid, we used to bring wax paper to the park to make the slide more slippery. | ||
Wax paper should never be exposed to direct heat as it is not heat resistant. To be used in the oven, it needs to be completely covered by batter (cakes, brownies, etc). For cookies or anything that leaves part of the paper exposed, use parchment paper instead. I had an oven fire once, then read the box. I probably should read boxes FIRST | ||
If the clothing rod/bar in your closet is metal rubbing it with wax papers makes the hangers (especially metal ones) glide across easily. We used to do that at a store I worked at on the clothes racks. | ||
If you have craft puncher that stick. Put the wax paper in and punch a few times. It makes it a lot easier and you don’t need to get a new one. | ||
The best way I used it for was to stop the scraping noise when lowering or raising the side of a crib. You try to open or close the crib so qietly and then you hear a scraping noise and guess who wakes up. Rubbing the wax paper up and down the rod will make it slide easily and the noise goes away. | ||
Run sheets of wax paper through your paper shredder to loosen up/oil the blades.
So you can used waxed paper too make iron on transfers | ||
If your child is colouring and crayon gets on your carpet, put wax paper on it and run a hot iron on it, crayon comes out easily | ||
My grandchildren and I put a sheet under both feet and ice skate on the carpet! So much fun!! | ||
Use as bottom liner for cake pans. Your cake will not stick or break. | ||
I use it in my sewing when I’m seeing Velcro on the material…most machines don’t lik Velcro …. So I put the on material where I’m sewing it on, usually the side that does the sticking or catching is the hardest… | ||
Rub wax paper on the grommets on your boat and the boat cover will snap on easier… | ||
My mother would run a hot iron over wax paper to clean the plate so it glides when you iron…it works, I’ve been doing it for years. | ||
Use wax paper and a carpenters pencil to trace a design then transfer to the wall | ||
Wax paper over a color book page use a nail & sketch a picture. My mom had us do this as children to fill lots of winter days! | ||
Melted Crayon Art-Place wax paper over warm (not hot) electric griddle, then draw with crayons. . | ||
Arrange crayon shavings between two pieces and press with and iron. .also press fall leaves the same way. | ||
We used to cut squares of wax paper to place under our shoes and then “ice skate” on carpet as children..can use as adults for lateral exercising too | ||
end kids down the slide with wax paper under them…(older kids), speedy ride and it waxes the slide so you don’t stick. Used to do this to our slide every few months. |