Disaster can strike at any time, but if you have a well-stocked survival kit, you can weather the difficult time much more easily. Here’s everything you need to have in your home emergency kit!

Recent natural events have made lots of people think about how to handle an emergency. An emergency could be anything from a highly infectious illness that keeps you quarantined at home to earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, blackouts and more.

Disasters can strike suddenly, and sometimes, without warning. When that happens, it can leave your family without the things you rely on for survival and security.

Do you have everything you would need in a survival kit to handle an emergency? Do you even know what you need to have in an emergency kit to be prepared?

Preparation for an emergency means that you have a special stock of items with the necessary supplies in case of an urgent situation or a disaster.

This survival kit should be in an easy-to-get-to spot…it does you no good if you can’t find it because it’s buried under 3 years of junk you’ve been meaning to clean out!

family survival kit pin image

67 Necessary Items For Your Survival Kit

Here are the essential 67 items you need for your home emergency kit. It’s a good idea to have your supplies packed in a conveniently stored portable bag (often called a “go bag”).

Once you look over these lists, take into account any special needs your family may have and plan accordingly.

Basic Supplies to Have on Hand

There are certain basic supplies that every emergency kit should have. Here’s our list:

  1. At least one flashlight (two is better)
  2. 3 sets of batteries for each flashlight (check expiration dates and replace as needed)
  3. Battery-powered radio (or a hand crank radio)
  4. Whistle
  5. Multi-tool
  6. Garbage bags with ties
  7. Moist towelettes
  8. Manual can opener to open food
  9. Local maps
  10. Wrench to turn off utilities
  11. Cell phone with charger
  12. Blankets
  13. Ponchos with hoods
  14. Plastic sheeting
  15. Protective masks
  16. Matches in a waterproof container
  17. Lighter
  18. Extra clothing
  19. Cash money
  20. Paper and pencils (in a waterproof container)
  21. Duct tape
  22. Rope
  23. Water purifier
  24. Toothbrushes
  25. Toothpaste
include a first aid kid as part of your family survival kit

First Aid Supplies For Your Survival Kit

Injuries are always a possibility in any emergency situation. Be sure to have supplies and tools on hand to help you treat injuries and infections.

26. Bandages (in a variety of sizes)

27. Sterile pads (in a variety of sizes)

28. Tape 

29. Scissors

30. Tweezers

31. Alcohol wipes 

32. Sterile gloves 

33. Antibiotic cream

34. Corticosteroid cream

35. Burn ointment

36. Antihistamine spray

37. Bug spray

38. Sunscreen

39. Thermometer

40. Acetaminophen

41. Ibuprofen

42. Anti-diarrheal

43. Antacids

44. Laxatives 

45. Any prescription medication a family member takes 

You may choose to purchase a well-stocked first aid kit rather than compiling all of these items yourself. Just make sure to supplement any items that may be missing in case they are needed in an emergency.

Note: Check (and replace) all supplies on a regular basis to ensure they work and are usable when you need them the most.

Emergency Supplies For Your Emergency Kit

Once you have your basic supplies gathered up, add these items to your survival kit as needed. Some of these items may not apply to your family. In that case, disregard them and only stockpile the supplies you need.

46. Glasses or spare contact lenses

47. Contact lens solution (if needed)

48. Soap

49. Diapers

50. Baby wipes

51. Baby rash cream

52. Important family documents (ex: insurance papers, identification, etc) in a waterproof container

53. Fire extinguisher

54. Feminine supplies

55. Puzzles or activities for kids

Food Supplies to Have Stocked Up

When collecting non-perishable food supplies, make sure that they don’t expire for a very long time. Here are some examples of long-lasting food supplies you should keep stockpiled in case of an emergency.

56. At least one gallon of water per person for at least 3 days

57. Canned food (especially canned meat and fish, veggies, soups,) which lasts longer than food in pouches – enough for at least 3 days

58. Food and water for any pets in the home

59. Baby formula and water for any babies in the house

60. Dried cereal

61. Peanut Butter

62. Crackers

63. Dried fruit

64. Nuts

65. Powdered milk

66. Granola bars

67. Protein bars

family emergency kit checklist

Tips For Maintaining Your Survival Kit

Assembling your emergency kit is only the first step!

Once you have everything gathered and stored in a safe, easy-to-find location, you need to check it at least once a year to ensure that it’s always ready to go when you need it most.

Follow these steps when checking your kit:

  • Check all items for expiration dates and replace anything that has expired or will in the next 30 days.
  • Recheck your list of supplies each year and update your survival kit as your family’s needs change (ex: baby supplies, etc).

Where to Store Your Family Emergency Kit

The thing about emergencies is that you never know when or where they will occur. Because of this, it’s important to have supplies available both in your home and in your car.

Home Survival Kit: Keep your survival kit always in the same location and make sure that each family member knows where to find it. Always keep your “go bag” ready to take with you in case you need to leave quickly.

Car Emergency Kit: Keep a kit of emergency supplies accessible in your car in case you get stranded somewhere. 

For more information, grab a free downloadable Family Emergency Checklist PDF!

Emergencies can happen at any time and in any place. With some advance planning and packing your survival kit, you can be in a good position to handle any emergency that comes your way.

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