Besides the usual Christmas Eve Services and last-minute Christmas Day preparations, do you and your family have any special traditions for Christmas Eve?
Having holiday traditions is all part of the fun! Even if they’re little traditions, it really doesn’t matter. The entire point of having a tradition is that you and your family get to look forward to it each and every year. Traditions are a great way to spend time together and be around people who are just as excited about the holidays as you are!
If you’re looking for some simple Christmas Eve traditions, you might want to take some time to enjoy some cute, simple holiday fun. Slow down for a night and enjoy time with your family. (and make some awesome traditions along the way! Also, read this article for Cheapskate Christmas budget ideas.
13 Simple and Special Traditions for Christmas Eve
Elf Donuts: We love to make elf donuts in our house! It’s a fun and simple process where you take Cheerios and decorate them for the elves to eat. It might be messy, but it’s a ton of fun!
Stocking Letters: Each year, write a letter to your children telling them how proud of them you are and encouraging them. Leave them some words of wisdom to calm their excited little hearts for a few moments during the craziness of the next morning when they open their stockings.
Christmas Key: If you do not have a fireplace, make sure Santa can still get into the house by leaving him a magic Christmas Key into the house. We leave it tied to a tree branch outside so Santa can grab it and get inside.
Personalized Ornaments: Each year, each child should receive one special ornament, perhaps from an aunt or uncle, or from you, that is personalized to their character, the previous year or their interests. When they move out, they will have a collection of ornaments for their own tree, each with a special memory.
Hand out Candy Canes: Learn all about candy canes and what they mean during the holiday season.
Read a book: Turn down the lights, turn up the fire, cuddle with your family, and read a good Christmas story.
Christmas Eve Soup: Instead of spending the whole evening in the kitchen, make this delicious soup recipe. Warm and filling, it is the perfect new tradition for any family.
Twinkling Family Walks: After dinner, when it’s dark, take a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the lights; they’ll be down soon, after all.
Hot Chocolate Bar: Set up a small area with mugs and hot chocolate additions like marshmallows, peppermint chips, mint flavoring. This can be used during the holiday season and just before some quiet family time on Christmas Eve.
Keep a Christmas Journal: Write a summary of the year and the holiday season in a Christmas Journal. The things that have been most important will come to your mind and you will have a wonderful summation of the year to look back on in the future.
“Stuffer Scramble”: Ever realize that you forgot to buy stocking stuffers? One newlywed couple realized on Christmas Eve and made a mad dash to the store, with only 15 minutes before closing time, to buy stocking stuffers for each other. Try not to cut it so close, maybe, but take your family to the store and give them a short period of time to get cute, small presents for each other!
Go caroling: If you and your family like to sing, walk around and sing to everyone in your neighborhood! Christmas songs are popular and fun and are a great way to share in the Christmas spirit.
Decorate the tree: Did you know that some people actually wait until close to Christmas to put up and decorate their tree? Crazy, right? This might be one of the easiest traditions for Christmas to start and keep because you’re going to be doing this every single year.
From decorations to meal details, these traditions are simple enough to achieve quickly while still endearing enough to last a lifetime.
If you’re looking for some super simple Christmas Eve traditions that really don’t take a ton of work, you’re going to have great luck with all of these! They’re simple and fun and are the perfect way to make holiday memories!