If you’re looking for some pet-friendly gardening products, you’re going to want to check out these great options. Keeping your fur baby safe needs to be on your radar at all times!

Planning ahead and gathering up the gardening products that you need for your pets should be on your radar all year long. If you find yourself planning for ways that you can start working on your garden without the worry of harming the health of your pets, you’re going to want to check out these pet-friendly gardening products!

(make certain that you always read the label and verify that they’re pet-friendly and also check with your vet!)

pet-friendly products

Pet-Friendly Gardening Products

Pet-friendly products can mean lots of things. Some people consider it to be things that are safe to use around your pets, while others think of items that will improve your pet’s quality of life. We’re going to feature some of each because we want our pets to lead safe and happy lives. We want our pets to have a yard that they can enjoy, without fear that they may get sick or bored.

Pet safety is a big category for gardens because we need to think about what we use on our lawns and plants when we own pets. Probably the biggest area for concern is the use of pesticides, which not only can kill unwanted insects but can even make our families ill if not used properly.

The easiest solution is to try to find a natural, non-chemically based product to combat the bugs. The first choice would be to see if there is a beneficial insect to use as a deterrent for the pest. Many garden pests can be controlled by using another insect that feeds on the pesky critters.

Ladybugs, for example, feed on Aphids, Mealybugs, whitefly, and a host of other larvae. An extra bonus is that ladybugs are pretty in the garden. Braconid Wasp eggs feed on Tomato Hornworms and a variety of others. Diatomaceous Earth, or DE, as it’s commonly known, insect traps and other pet-safe methods are available, just check with your local nursery or online to get more information.

For insect control in your garden, and particularly your vegetable garden, choose to use beneficial insects that won’t harm humans or pets. You may purchase them online from a variety of sources or talk to your local greenhouse about various options.

Find out what you can about fertilizer

Fertilizer is another area that you need to watch, as many of today’s plant foods are made from very strong chemicals. Compost is still a great component to add to your soil and keeps your plants well-fed.

When spread on garden beds or worked into the soil, well-aged manure can enrich your soil. Seaweed or fish emulsion sprays are great fertilizers, as well as bone meal. The drawback is that your dog may find the scent irresistible and chew or dig up your plants. Try these on a small area to see how Fido reacts to them before using on the entire garden.

Make sure to choose fertilizers that are pet-friendly, too and again, if you don’t know, talk to your vet and get suggestions for him or her.

Have a plan to keep your pet away from your garden area

If you decide to use something your pet is attracted to, like bone meal, you may want to contain your pet in a smaller portion of your yard. If he has his own fenced yard, that would be the ideal situation, but that’s not always practical.

One option that you may want to consider is if some of the invisible fencing options might work. These aren’t for everyone, and I’m not necessarily a fan of them for perimeter fencing. The invisible fence options can work really well in your own yard because once a dog learns to stay out of specific spots, he will avoid them and the unit can be removed.

The two main systems work virtually the same – you plot out where your pet’s boundaries are, and set up a transmitter; the pet wears a collar that has a receiver. When the pet crosses the invisible boundary, he hears a silent, high-pitched sound, or receives a mild electric shock to alert him that he has strayed from his area. It shouldn’t take long for him to learn the boundaries.

Consider the Use of an Invisible Fence

An invisible fence might be just what you need to keep your dog safe. It all just depends on what you’re wanting to accomplish.

You may also choose to install an above-ground electric fence to keep your pet within its boundaries. It will be accessible by children and other people, too, so you may want to take that into consideration prior to using it in your garden.

Create a space that your dog will love

If Fido is confined to a specific part of the yard, why not make it a fun place for him? Jazz it up with a fancy doghouse – maybe one with a shaded porch!

How about adding a place for him to dig? A water-filled pond that he can splash around during the summer would be a great addition. Most dogs love water, and you can purchase a self-contained pond kit for less than $100.00.

Make sure your pet has a cool soft place to lie in the grass, some paths to explore, and toys to alleviate boredom, and he will be the best dog ever.

Your pet can cool off on a warm day or even get a drink of water while playing in the yard. A pond also makes a great statement in your landscape. This pond kit comes complete with everything you need to make that statement.

Pets and the outdoors go together like, well, pets and outdoors. Most dogs love to be outside, whether it’s sunny, raining or snowing. We can help them to stay safe by including some of the above products. This ensures Fido will stay happy and healthy.

Do you have any pet-friendly gardening products that you can recommend?

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