The time is coming for the biggest football game of the year, and millions of people around the world are already planning out their Super Bowl party ideas. To some, it’s bigger than the holidays and for others, it’s just another game. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, you need to be prepared for the Super Bowl party fun!
So many times, the females tend to have a harder time getting into the fun of the Super Bowl action than the men, but that doesn’t have to be the case! It’s 100% possible to have fun together as a couple when it’s time for kickoff time to happen!
Engaging Super Bowl Party Ideas for Couples
This year, why not consider ways that you and your better half can enjoy the Super Bowl together? Even if you aren’t into the game, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun at the party!
Have every couple pick the winning team
Typically, every person does this on their own, but add the twist to it that the couples have to agree and choose one winner together. Get ready for quite a show as more than likely there will be some couples that just can’t agree. And what if they like opposite teams? The fun is sure to happen with this one!
At commercial breaks, play a quick game
And by quick, I mean quick because everyone knows that one of the best parts of the Super Bowl is the commercials. But there are several breaks where couples can squeeze in a quick game of tag football, beer pong, or even pin the tail on the donkey. (Yes, adults do this and it’s actually kind of fun!) Think outside the box about fun games to play and then make it happen. It’ll help the time pass by quickly and keep everyone engaged in the game.
Take bets on what the score is going to be
Is there a sweeter victory than beating your loved one at guessing the football score? The rules are simple. Before the game starts, everyone has to write down their predictions. And before the predictions are done, there needs to be a prize chosen as well. ( You’ll be amazed at how much more attention gets paid to the game when there is a prize on the line to be won!
Play a game of football trivia against another couple
It’s the battle of the couples…which one will win? Look up some basic football trivia online and have two couples agree to battle head to head. The person asking the questions to the couples needs to be able to keep a straight face and ask the questions fairly to both. Again, make there be some sort of prize so that the couples really start to battle it out! And if you aren’t playing, you can sit back and listen (or laugh) to the answers that they say.
This Super Bowl, try these fun games for the couples at your party. They are simple, easy and a great way to have everyone feel as though they are active and involved in the party!
What other fun ideas do you have for couples at your Super Bowl party?