Going camping means that you need to stock up on your camping foods. Did you know that most of the time you’re camping, you’re exploring the outdoors and eating?
So. Very. True. Every time we go camping, we always make our list of food items that we want to take. Please tell me were not the only ones that do that…I don’t know why, but to our family, camping means family time, outdoor time…and food. It’s like an unwritten rule of camping. We each make our own wants and food items before we go shopping, and we don’t skimp, ever.
If you wanna know what camping food items you can’t forget, here’s my list to help!
Delicious Camping Foods For Every Camping Trip
While your list of camping foods may differ from ours, let’s just all agree that all food on a camping trip is good food. (and if you’re looking for a great list of amazing camping dinner recipes that just happen to also be gluten-free, you can get that easily as well)
1. Peanut Butter
Okay, I know…a weird one to start out the list, right? BUT, hear me out. We love to take peanut butter with us on camping trips because it’s delicious, packed full of protein and 100% versatile. Planning a 5-mile hike and need something that will give you energy while not needing to be kept in the fridge? Peanut butter has you covered.
2. Chocolate
Would any camping trip be complete if there wasn’t chocolate involved? I sneak it in my pockets when we’re going out and about and it’s definitely the star of the show when we’re all sitting around the campfire at the end of the night.
3. Food Plan
The worst thing is forgetting something. Promise. Been there. Done that. One trip we brought too much to eat and it went bad while we toted it around and another time we brought too little. Never again! The $7 spent on the Camping planner is well worth it!! Your sanity is worth it!!
4. Shrimp
Okay, I know this one is probably out there, but we love to take shrimp with us when camping. We cook it over the open fire and dip it in butter…seriously, amazing. It’s one of those indulgences that I truly love and can’t get enough of.
5. Sweet Potatoes
Guys, I can’t stress this enough. Cooking sweet potatoes over the campfire is the bomb. Seriously. It’s like cooking them in the heat turns them into sugary goodness and you can’t just believe that you’re eating a vegetable. We pack these up for every single camping trip and you can be certain that we never bring any back home.
6. Hot Dogs
Yes, I said it. We like to take hot dogs on our camping trips. And can you blame me? There’s just something about a good old hot dog over the campfire that can’t be beaten. Now…I don’t settle for just any type of hot dog. I buy the best ones possible that are all beef and uncured. And while that tends to help some with the flavor, I really do imagine that any type of hot dog over the campfire tastes totally amazing.
These are just a few of the delicious camping foods that we like to pack for each and every camping trip.
What camping foods do you take on your camping trips?