Not only is the bride’s dress simply stunning, but just watch their first dance as a married couple. I bet you will watch it a few times, just like we did to see if you can figure out the trick that Justin did at the end!

The chemistry and sense of magic in this dance is simply stunning.

“Our big move at the end was accomplished with a mix of magic and a few thousand sit-ups,” Justin Willman – the groom – explains to People. “It was a lot more fun than we expected (the practice time actually gave us a few uninterrupted hours each day leading up to the wedding), and pulling it off for our guests made it worth all the prep. The fact that people are responding so positively to the videos is really a bonus at this point. The wedding day was perfect, and now we get to see that reflected back to us by a whole bunch of strangers. It’s pretty surreal.”

wedding on instagram

And if that wasn’t enough flair for the wedding, they cut the wedding cake with long saber swords. This was definitely a wedding to remember.

P.S. Justin tells us to keep a look out. His Dad’s expression at the end of the video is priceless.

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