One of the things I keep with me at all times is crayons. It’s one of the quickest and smallest things I can pull out of my purse to entertain the kiddos. I’ll never forget the time we went to a restaurant expecting to offer them a coloring page and crayons and they were out! We don’t make that mistake anymore.

I noticed I had a little plastic case that would be just perfect for taking our crayons on the go and keeping them from breaking.



It’s an upcycled mini First Aid kit! Once we had used all the supplies inside I hung onto the case because I just knew I could use it for something. I spiced it up a little bit by adding duct tape to the top.


All you need is one of these mini Johnson&Johnson first aid kits (I got this at Target) and a Duck Tape sheet. I used the rainbow design but they have so many fun patterns to choose from.


I made a pattern of the container by simply using a thin sheet of paper and tracing around the indention at the top. I cut that pattern out and used it to cut out the tape.



Place the tape on top and fill it up with crayons! This holds a box of 16 perfectly and there’s even a little room for a few more if you’d like.



I bet you can reuse lots of small plastic containers by adding duct tape! What a fun way to upcycle old things that you’d normally just toss in the trash.

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1 Comment

  1. The cardboard boxes that crayons come in never lasts around here. I love the idea of repurposing a first aid kit to make a sturdier crayon case!