Fashion trends tend to change at the drop of the hat. I remember my college years quite vividly, and I’m embarrassed to think that what I wore then was actually considered fashion! But for children, fashion trends tend to stick around just a little bit longer than for adults. And thank goodness! My girls have hand me downs from their cousins and other family members that are still in style from several years ago!

While kiddos at a younger age don’t really seem to care all that much about fashion, it’s still nice as a parent to know that your children are dressing in clothes that are still made of good quality and style!

These fashion trends for kids are simple and stylish! Some trends and kid-friendly fashions truly never go out of style! #onecrazyhouse #fashiontrends #kidfashion #style #clothingtrendsforkids

Fun Fashion Trends For Every Child

If I were to try to explain a fashion trend to my 6-year-old, she’d probably look at me like I was crazy…luckily, children’s clothing styles don’t seem to change all that much making it that much easier on us mom and dads!


Does ANYONE ever really frow out of plaids? I know as an adult I still love wearing them, especially during the fall and winter months. Kiddos look so cook wearing colorful plaids paired up with jeans and leggings!

Bright colors

In our house, bright colors rule. If it’s a cloudy day outside, we pull out our bright pink leggings and hair bows. If it’s too bright outside, we match it and try to beat it with our brightly colored wardrobe. Let your little ones be the bright spot in your day with their fun fashion choices!

Anything characters

I’m talking Disney characters, adorable cartoon animals…you name it. Those type of clothes will NEVER go out of style for younger children…ever. (and I may have a character shirt or two still in my wardrobe as well!)

Puppy and Kitten designs

I don’t know why and I can’t even begin to try to explain it, but children love to wear giant pictures of animals on their clothes. Even if they have a pet at home, they will show their love for all furry friends on their shirts!

Knee socks

My girls love knee socks. The higher they can pull them, the better. The bolder colors that they are, the better. And honestly, during the winter months, those knee socks do a great job of being another layer or warmth for their legs as well!

Big Fluffy Bows

This is one trend that is dominated by young girls, but it seems that the bigger the bows, the better! And of course, color coordination is key! A red dress must have a red bow to match…and if it has glitter on that bow, double bonus!

Matching nail polish is a must

I can’t remember at what age my girls started to want their fingernails and toenails to start matching their clothing choices, but it is a really big fashion deal! (and a lot of work on my end, too!) Stock up on your nail polish now!

Don’t forget the bling!

Necklaces, earrings, rings, toe rings, nail jewels, bracelets…you name it, it’s all part of the kid fashion world. The more bling, the better!

And honestly, there are several of these fashion trends that we all still do as adults, too right? I’ll be the first to admit that I love to have my nails painted and I’m never going to turn away some fun bling!

Does your child have a fun fashion trend that they love?

fashion trends 2019








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