Are you (and your home) drowning in kids’ artwork? Creating a beautiful kids’ art display is easier than you may think! Here are 11 brilliant ways to display kids’ art stylishly that save space in your home.

It’s the old cliché: kids’ art neatly displayed all over the refrigerator. The reality is a little messier – and baffling: what do you do with the mountains of creativity that your kids create both at school and at home?
As any parent knows, kids ooze creativity and love new art to draw, paint, and color to their heart’s content – and then display their art for the world to see. Once you run out of space in the fridge (there’s only so much room!), all the artwork and art collection that isn’t displayed gets thrown away or put into piles. Of course, this leads to unwanted clutter.
How do you preserve your child’s artwork while also creating a kids’ art display that showcases their original masterpieces in a meaningful & uncluttered way?
Through my own experience – as well as scouring the internet for ideas – I am bringing you 11 different ways (perfect solution) to create a beautiful kids’ artwork display that will help you contain the clutter and preserve their art for years to come.
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11 Ways to Display Kids Art For Your Home
From frames to posters to apps, here are 11 clever kids’ art display ideas to help you eliminate clutter and show off those masterpieces!
Kids Art Gallery Wall | The Caterpillar Years
Sometimes all you need to do is simply designate a space for the artwork to hang. This empty frame gallery wall is simple and easy to DIY. It gets the artwork off the countertops or out of piles and up on a wall to enjoy. Plus, it’s easy to change out pieces anytime. A great wall decor too!
Use a Digital Frame
This idea is genius! Take pictures of each piece of art that your child makes then load all of the pictures up into a digital frame. You will have a constant stream of beautiful and original artwork on display in one designated space. Plus, the kids will have fun guessing who’s art is up for display next!
DIY Hanging Line | Design Improvised
With some twine and clothespins, it’s easy to hang a line (or several!) on your wall then use mini clothespins to hang the artwork. This cost-effective DIY project gets the artwork up and off the counter for a display on the wall. Easily change it out anytime. Now, hanging kids’ art just got a whole lot easier and visitors will surely love to see!
Hanging Art Display | Real Life Notes
Love the idea but don’t want to DIY? Ikea to the rescue! Ikea has amazing home storage and display solutions that are cost-effective to purchase, including their Dignitet curtain wire set for displaying art, photos, etc.
Turn it into a Poster or Collage
Use a company like Itsy Art to turn your child’s artwork into a collage poster. They look amazing, and it’s a great way to neatly display many pieces of art at the same time. The company has numerous different display options that look incredible.
Tape Frames | Fun at Home With Kids
Here’s another easy DIY kids art display solution: use tape as frames! It’ll do double duty as a frame and securing the art to the wall.
Clipboard Art Display | Home is What You Make It
I love how affordable and easy this hack is for hanging kids’ art! Create an unusual art wall with clipboards. This simple DIY also allows you to easily change out the art pieces anytime you want.

Hanging Strip | iHeart Organizing
Here’s another simple DIY project. It combines the hanging line and clipboard hanging projects by creating a picture hanging strip. Secure it to the wall and quickly change out artwork anytime you want.

Kids Artwork Book
How does keeping your child’s artwork forever (without the clutter) sound? The Artkive App lets you digitally store all the artwork with the option of making a keepsake artwork photo book. Hello, coffee table conversation piece!
Here’s how it works: the company will send you a box, and you fill it with your child’s artwork. Then every piece is professionally photographed and stored digitally, which you can access and share from any device. I love this idea because anytime I try to take pictures of my children’s artwork, there are unwanted shadows or creases. Artkive is like pressing the easy button for digitizing children’s artwork.
Art Gallery Display Shelves | Centsational Style
How fun is this! Use frames (all the same or make it eclectic with different colors and shapes) to hold the artwork then create a kids’ art display with shelves. You can use regular sized shelves or smaller, ledge shelves.

Use Hangers | Honest
How many pant and skirt hangers do you have around the house (we have a ton!)? Use them for kids’ art display! If you have boards or shiplap, you can hang them on there. If you don’t, there are LOTS of possibilities for how you can hang them, but the easiest would be to use small nails and hang the hangers from the nails.

Keepy App
The Keepy App has some similarities (and differences) to Artkive. Keepy is a free app that you can download, but to use the service, there is a free version and a paid version. If you have multiple kids that all like to create art, the paid version is worth the $10 a year. With Keepy, you can snap photos of artwork, record voice messages about each piece, share images with friends and family, assign projects to different children ( helpful when you have more than one!), and order various products with the artwork on them (including canvas prints) from their shop.
If you are not sure how to store and display your kids art, try these ideas. I know they will help you reduce clutter and create beautiful kids’ art displays that help you preserve their hard work for years to come.

More From One Crazy House:
- Tackle the Clutter Once and For All With These Decluttering Steps
- 18 Clever Hidden Storage Ideas to Hide Clutter
What is your favorite way to display kids’ art at home?
nicely- Written article. it is going to be supportive to absolutely everyone utilizes it, including me. keep doing what you are doing!