Organization is an important part of life. Without it, the world would be a pretty chaotic place. Kids need it, adults need it, and people everywhere benefit from having an organization routine. If you aren’t sure what to do, the key to getting organized is creating and implementing a routine for yourself.
The Key to Getting Organized
Create a Habit
Did you know it takes 21 days to make something a habit? That’s right, you can make organization a habit, that just comes naturally. Think about the things you want to become a habit. Maybe you want to do a load of laundry every day or keep your house tidy. If you want to stick to your routine, you have to start with small habits. Over time, it’s no longer about getting organized, but more about living organized.
Make a Checklist
A checklist is your master plan to stay organized. I don’t know about you, but things don’t really happen unless I write them down. So, write down a list of things you want to accomplish on a daily basis to keep your life organized.
Start with a Morning Routine
When your morning is thrown off, your whole day becomes thrown off. Try to master your morning routine before any other routine in your day. If you get up and drink a cup of coffee every morning, continue doing that, but make it at a consistent time each day. Here are a few morning routines to kick start your day, right:
- Wake up at the same time every day.
- Get a cup of coffee.
- Spend 20 minutes doing Pilates.
- Take a shower, get dressed, and get ready for the day.
Add Breaks into Your Routine
When you write out your routine, you may have so much to get accomplished in one day that you just completely forget to give yourself time. Breaks are an essential part of keeping the momentum throughout the day. If you want your routine to succeed, schedule yourself breaks throughout the day; preferably every 50 minutes.
Set Small Goals
One of the reasons people fail at their daily routine is because they try to be a super human accomplishing more than they can really do each day. This is a great way to get burnt out in your daily routine and end up getting off track. Set small daily goals that you can accomplish. As you get these goals accomplished and your build a momentum into your routine, you can gradually add more things to your list.
Work on your Daily Routine
If you work well with times and deadlines, you may want to make your routine based on times throughout the day. If you do better with a more lenient schedule, you may want to just make a list of things that need to be completed by a certain time. Picture routines work well for those who need more visualization. Here is an example of a daily routine to get you started:
- 7:30 am-8:10 am: Wake up, make coffee, and spend time relaxing. Take out what you will eat for dinner.
- 8:10 am- 8:30 am: Do Pilates or another form of exercise.
- 8:30 am- 9:20 am: Work on something.
- 9:20 am-9:30 am: Take a break. Walk around, stretch, and just take a break from everything.
- 9:30 am-10:20 am: Work on something.
- 10:20 am- 10:30 am: Take a break. You want to take a break every 50 minutes.
- 10:30 am- 11:20 am: Work on something.
- 11:20 am- 12:30 pm: Lunch. Take a break from the day and enjoy lunch either on your own, with your kids, or with a co-worker.
- 12:30 pm- 1:20 pm: Work on something.
- 1:20 pm-1:30 pm: Take a break.
- 1:30 pm- 2:20 pm: Work on something.
- 2:20 pm-2:30 pm: Take a Break
- 2:30 pm-3:20 pm: Work on something.
- 3:20 pm-4:00 pm: Wind down from the day. Take a longer break. Walk around the block. Take time to slow your mind down.
- 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm: Spend time with the kids. Make a craft. Do other work you need to get done.
- 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm: Dinner
- 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm: Go on an after dinner walk around the block or the park. Staying active helps you throughout the day.
- 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm: Screen free time. Take this time to color, enjoy a hobby, or play a board game. Screens stimulate the brain, so try not to use them.
- 8:00 pm: Bedtime
When it comes to establishing a routine, you can fill in what you want to get accomplished during the work time. What other ways can you share for creating an organizational routine? We would love to know in the comments below!