For each and every one of us, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. How we choose to spend that time is entirely up to us. Some people work the majority of each and every day while others choose to slow down and enjoy the present. If you struggle with finding time in the day, you might benefit from these time management tips below. We all find ways to manage our time, but these tips can help guide us in the right direction.

Extremely Easy Time Management Tips for Super Busy Parents

These tips below are easy and will help you learn to manage your time. Great for busy parents on the go or a single person who can’t find the time to fit in all they want. Plus see what these exhausted parents have to say, to give us a good laugh or two.

Extremely Easy  Time Management Tips for Super Busy Parents


Set an alarm for each and every activity. Some days, the hours of the day drag by while others feel like the day was over in a blur. If you are wanting to try to get a consistent feel for your time and how you spend it throughout each and every day, set an alarm for every activity that you are doing. Eating, sleeping, watching TV…once you notice a pattern in how things are done by yourself, you’ll start to understand more clearly how you are focusing all of your time.

To-Do List

Make a to-do list with only 5 things to get done in a day. While 5 things may not seem like a lot to you, anything more will either rush you or frustrate you. What’s the point in having a to-do list so long that you never get anything accomplished? By narrowing down your focus to only 5 different tasks, you’ll be able to plan out your day and your time more accordingly.

Optimistic Win

Start out each day with a “win”. No matter what it is, every day start out doing something that you know you are going to get done and accomplished. This can be something as simple as making your bed, brushing your teeth, or even just sitting and sipping a piping hot cup of coffee. When you feel that win mentality it will help you tackle your day straight on.

Create A Time Line

Give yourself a set time span to do certain jobs each and every day. Have reports that you have to do every day but dread doing them? Tell yourself that those reports have to be started by 10 AM and finished no later than 10:30. Giving yourself guidelines and perimeters will help you focus on and result in much better time management.

Don’t Over-Schedule

On the weekend, don’t plan out every moment. Contrary to everything that’s been said prior, use the weekend as a time to have less of a schedule. The point of doing so will allow you and help you to relax some on the weekend to be able to focus more on the time that you have during the week.

Say No

Learn how to say “no”. More than likely, there are times throughout your day that just by uttering the words “yes” to help someone else, you are taking away from your much-needed time as well. When it comes to better time management skills, you have to learn how to say “no” at times. Prioritize what you can help with and what is a true need versus what is a want by those around you.

Being an adult means that our time is limited and often shared and split by many different people. The more tips that you can implement from the suggestions above, the better time management skills that you may develop. Managing your time efficiently means that you’ll have more time to focus on the things that you want to do versus the things that you have to do later due to lack of proper planning.

Extremely Easy Time Management Tips for Super Busy Parents

What time management tips do you have to share?

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