Fall is a time of the year that truly screams, “Get outside and play!” Just think about it…no more bugs, no super hot weather conditions…and the humidity? Gone, gone, and gone. The days of Fall are packed full of leaves changing colors and a never-ending cup of hot cocoa. And who could forget about all the fun Fall activities that are just waiting for you and your family? It’s time to get up off the couch and explore everything that this delightful season has in store. Who knows, you may just find out that Fall is your new favorite time of the year!
Have fun with your family getting out and about and enjoying all the fabulous fall activities. If you can’t find anything in your town, don’t forget to check the local towns around as well. There’s always SOMETHING to do, you just have to know where to look. And if somehow there isn’t anything going on, head to the trail and take a nice hike with your family. It’s always a great backup option to have! Check out these stunning fall wreaths for your front door and home.
Fabulous & Fun Fall Activities For the Entire Family
If you are looking for a few fabulous and fun Fall activities that anyone in your family can enjoy, here are some simple suggestions to get you started!
Head to the local pumpkin patch
Is there anything more fun than getting to pick out your own pumpkin or pet some cute animals at the petting zoo? Visiting local pumpkin farms can be a great family outing! And if they have a corn maze..bonus!
Decorate caramel apples
Everyone knows that Fall weather and caramel apples go hand in hand. While everyone tends to have their own toppings on the apples that they like, it’s important to decorate them together as a family. From sprinkles to nuts and even some chocolate chips, have fun decorating and then eating caramel apples with the rest of the family!
Build a bonfire and have a weenie roast
Hot dogs cooked over the open fire are delicious! And if you have a few marshmallows, make it a s’mores night as well. Be careful with your burn pile and keep it low and slow to ensure that it doesn’t get out of hand.
Make homemade applesauce from apples you picked
Picking your own apples is one of those things that not everyone gets to experience in their life. If you have an apple orchard nearby, take your family and get to picking! Pick enough to eat fresh, and then pick some more that you can turn into applesauce or apple butter. If you’re lucky enough to find some great tasting apples, you can cook a ton of different items with them as well!
Rake leaves and jump in them
I know, I know…it’s probably something that you haven’t done since you were a little kid…but isn’t that all the reason to do it now with your family? You’ll have a blast channeling your inner child and your kiddos will love that you’re out there, engaging and interacting with them. Plus, NO ONE can deny a giant pile of leaves just waiting to be jumped in!
Pack a picnic and take a bike ride
Isn’t Autumn wonderful? Seriously, it’s like you can do so many more outdoor activities without the worry of bugs and heat. Plan ahead on a perfect Fall day and pack a picnic to enjoy in the middle of a bike ride with the family. Take your time peddling from park to park and enjoying everything along the way. Smell the air, dip your toes in a lake or two along the way, and stop to view the last possible flowers that will be growing this year.
What is your favorite family-friendly fall activity?