The microwave may arguably be the most used small appliance in your kitchen, and it can get quite dirty (and smelly). Learn how to clean microwaves with these 5 super easy methods! No matter which of these methods you choose to use, you probably already have the ingredients somewhere in your kitchen, and you won’t be exhausted afterward cause these methods practically clean the microwave for you.
Cleaning the microwave… Does anyone ever want to do it? It always seems like by the time it gets cleaned, the job requires a lot of time and elbow grease. It’s amazing how much gunk can build up in there in no time at all! And the longer that you use it, the more baked in it becomes. Tackle the grime and protect your family with these super simple microwave cleaning hacks.
While microwave cleaning may not be the job at the top of anyone’s wishlist, the chore is essential for maintaining the unit as well as making sure that food tastes as you expect it to.
Use these microwave cleaning hacks to thoroughly clean your unit with less work and time! That’s right! Making sure that the microwave is clean helps cook food faster, which means that you can use less electricity. That’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment. While you are cleaning the fridge, be sure to clean out your coffee maker, too with their 3 Natural Coffee Maker Cleaner Hacks.
How To Clean Microwaves: 5 Hacks You Need To Save Time And Work
In most kitchens, the microwave gets used – a lot – and it can show. Whether you’re trying to get rid of the evidence of that bowl of exploding chili or get rid of the smell of the pulled pork you heated up last night, these hacks will do the hard work for you. The power of steam is amazing, all it needs to work is a bit of time. These hacks use the power of steam along with a few other ingredients to help you get the microwave in tip-top shape, no matter how long it’s been since the last time you cleaned it. Cause let’s face it, if your family is anything like mine, it has been a while since anyone has shown the microwave some TLC.
If you have been reading One Crazy House for a while, you probably know that I prefer to not use harsh chemicals any more than necessary. That’s why I absolutely love these natural and environmentally friendly microwave cleaning methods!
As a bonus, not only are these tips and tricks super effective, but they use all-natural products. In fact, you probably already have all of these supplies sitting around your kitchen or home.
A few tips to remember to make sure that the microwave is super clean:
- Don’t forget to clean the rotating dish, if your microwave has one.
- Make sure to wipe down all the surfaces inside the microwave- grab a step stool if you can’t see to make sure there’s nothing leftover in there.
- Don’t forget the exterior! Make sure that you wipe down the handle and the buttons with an antibacterial or all-purpose cleaner.
- Clean everything, including the crevices- make sure you open the door and wipe down any hidden parts that are revealed when you open.
Ready to take on the oven now that the microwave is clean? Check out our tips for that here: How to Clean Your Oven Like a Pro.

1. Microwave Cleaning With Lemons
This is a very simple method that is also very powerful at loosening up stuck gunk and getting rid of odors. Not only that, this method is environmentally and family-friendly since it doesn’t use any harsh chemicals, but simply water and lemon instead.
Steam works wonders for loosening old, cooked-on food while the lemon/lemon juice does the job of disinfecting and eliminating odors. This hack will leave your microwave sparkling and smelling fresh and clean.
To use this very reliable method:
- Take a microwave-safe bowl (glass is preferable) and fill it with 3 cups of water.
- Cut up a lemon (into quarters, halves, or slices – it doesn’t really matter) and add it to the water.
- Heat on high for 3-5 minutes or until the water starts to boil.
- Keep the bowl in the microwave for 5-10 minutes, letting the steam work its magic.
- Once time is up, open the microwave door. If the inside of the microwave isn’t steamy, cook the bowl for another 1-2 minutes. And repeat the process of letting it sit to steam.
- Wipe down the microwave with a damp cloth or sponge. Remove the turntable and wipe it down as well. You shouldn’t need to scrub anything.
Caution: The bowl may be hot when you pull it out.
Boiling lemons on the stove is also a great way to get your whole kitchen smelling fresh and clean!
2. Microwave Cleaning Hack With Vinegar
This is another hack that will utilize the power of steam. The method is very similar to the lemon method, you just need some vinegar instead. Don’t worry, the smell of the vinegar will evaporate pretty quickly and your microwave will be left smelling fresh and clean, not like vinegar.
- Take a microwave-safe bowl (glass is preferable) and fill it with 2 cups of water.
- Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and place the bowl in the microwave.
- Microwave on high for 5 minutes.
- Keep the bowl in the microwave for 15 minutes, letting the steam and vinegar work their magic.
- Remove the bowl carefully – it could be hot!
- Remove the turntable and wipe it down.
- Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a damp cloth or sponge.
- Put the turntable back in place.
Note: The vinegar smell will be strong, but it lasts a very short time. You could add a drop or two or your favorite essential oil (I recommend lemon or orange).
Vinegar is awesome for cleaning more than just your microwave as we show you here with 45 Ways to Make Vinegar Work for You.

3. How To Clean Microwaves With The Dish Soap Method
You could get in your microwave with this method and really apply some elbow grease. But, I strive to be as efficient and effective as possible, with as little work as necessary.
Cleaning your microwave with the dish soap method is a similar way to the lemon and vinegar methods.
- Take a microwave-safe bowl (glass is preferable) and fill it with 2 cups of water.
- Add some dishwashing soap (a teaspoon or two) and place the bowl in the microwave.
- Microwave on high for 5 minutes.
- Keep the bowl in the microwave for 15 minutes, letting the steam and soap work their magic.
- Remove the bowl carefully – it could be hot!
- Remove the turntable and wipe it down.
- Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a damp cloth or sponge.
- Put the turntable back in place.
Note: If you want to add a deodorizing component, add a little baking soda to your bowl before microwaving it.
You already know that Dawn Dish Soap is tough and gentle. But did you know that you can use it for more than just washing dishes (and the microwave)? Check out 17 Incredible Uses for Dawn Dish Soap.
4. Easily Clean Your Microwave With The Wet Towel Method
This is likely the very easiest way to get that microwave nice and clean! You only need a towel and some water! This hack is self-contained since you use the towel that you microwave to wipe everything down! Talk about efficient and environmentally friendly! This is a great way to clean microwaves in busy areas, like dorm rooms or shared kitchen areas.
- Get a small towel (that doesn’t have any metal on it) and thoroughly wet it down.
- Put the saturated towel on the turntable and heat on high for up to 5 minutes.
- Let the hot, steamy towel sit in the microwave for 15 minutes to loosen up the cooked-on food and grime.
- Let the towels cool down and then use them to wipe down the microwave. That’s it!

5. How To Clean Microwaves With The Baking Soda Method
This method requires slightly more elbow grease but is also highly effective. And, it’s very affordable with two readily available, non-toxic, and cheap items. This method works well if there is a lot of gunk stuck in the microwave since it will help you scrub the messes away.
- Make a paste with 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water.
- Dab a little on the spill or caked-on grime and let sit for 15 minutes to loosen it up.
- Then, take a damp rag or sponge and wipe everything down.
- If you notice that the mess is still stuck on, you can also spray some vinegar on the baking soda to supercharge the cleaning with the bubble reaction! This means less elbow grease on your part.
There you go! Now, there’s no more wondering how to clean microwaves in less time with these 5 easy peasy microwave cleaning recipes that will get your unit clean in no time and with extremely little elbow grease. No matter which of these methods you choose to use to clean your microwave, you can rest assured knowing that it will be easy to clean and environmentally friendly. I love being able to clean easily and effectively without harsh chemicals!