A good start to your morning sets you up for a good day ahead. Start your day off right by implementing these healthy morning habits into your morning routine.

When you are able to start your day off right, all the other pieces just seem to fall into place. Making these five relatively small tasks a priority, every. single. day. will bring long-lasting, positive results that you’ll love.

Many thanks to our healthy morning habits sponsor, Burt’s Bees, for sponsoring this post! They have created an innovative product that provides all the protein you need to start your day right. Their new, delicious shake is 70% organic and contains all plant-based ingredients as well as whole fruits and veggies to make this an extra nutritious shake! Bonus: it contains no artificial sweeteners or major food allergens!

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Must-Do Morning Habits to Start Your Day Right

Here are 5 habits that, if you do them each morning, will make a huge difference in the way your day flows.

Start Your Day Right By Drinking a Glass of Plain Water

Seriously, make this the first thing you do EVERY morning. When you sleep overnight, your body loses hydration. 

Grab a glass of room temperature water and drink it without thinking about it. There are health reasons for drinking water every morning, but my ultimate reasons are vanity!

After sleeping all night all the fine lines in my face are more evident. By immediately hydrating every morning I began to notice that my “bed face” was disappearing! Seriously, try it for a week!

Your eyes will recover from the puffy under eyes, and if you’re prone to headaches (like I was) drinking water will help keep them at bay. Starting your day with water is such a simple change that makes a huge impact!

woman sitting on the floor with weights holding a protein shake

Make Time to Exercise

Who else looks at complicated or lengthy exercise programs and tries them for one day, but has a hard time making them a consistent daily routine? I kept telling myself that I didn’t have time for a full 30-minute workout. I didn’t have time to make it to the gym, I would do it “tomorrow”.

I’m not the only one, right?

Someone reminded me that 15 minutes is only 1% of your day – that’s it! We can each devote 1% of the day at the minimum to exercise, right?

Do it. Just set the timer and 15 minutes will help energize you for the entire day!

This is totally doable (even for busy moms). And remember – small changes, made consistently over time, lead to big results.

15 minute power exercise plan

Make Writing Down Your List a Morning Habit

That daily never-ending to-do list floating around in your brain? Yeah, I know. It floats around in my brain too…until I sit down and write it all down. Do a quick brain dump by getting your entire list on paper.

Making a list helps put me into the mindset of what I need to accomplish in the day while also “freeing” up my brain from trying to remember everything. It is so easy to become overwhelmed and distracted by all the things that come up in the day!

I set aside two five-minute “sessions” each day to write down my lists. The other slot is at bedtime when I purge all the things that are left undone from the day. This has been super helpful.

Have you ever struggled to go to sleep because all the things that you need to do keep swirling around in your brain and keeping you up? Writing them down gets them out, and gives mental permission to forget about them until the next day.

In the morning, I devote another five minutes to looking over my list from the night before. I make my list of things that I need to get done and number them in priority. List-making truly helps me focus my time – which SAVES me time during my day!

woman writing down a to do list on paper

Make My Shake

If you’re like me, mornings are always a bit of a rush (and I am trying to curb the calories I eat). I love to brew a cup of coffee and mix a scoopful of chocolate protein shake into my morning jolt.

You can make this Burt’s Bees protein shake with just water, and it’s good. However, I like a little bit of chocolate syrup in my coffee, and even though I drink decaf, there is something about the taste and smell of coffee that just makes my morning!

Instead of adding chocolate syrup and creamer to my coffee, I have replaced these with a couple of spoonfuls of this shake! Yum. This breakfast takes seconds to make, tastes terrific AND is packed full of nutrients!

Seriously, the Burt’s Bees Protein shakes come in multiple flavors (I love the chocolate one). Each flavor includes five organic protein sources: Pea, Rice, Flax Seed, Sunflower Seed, and Oat.

I love knowing that my coffee now contains the complete essential amino acid profile AND includes vitamins from real fruits and vegetables to provide up to 25% of my recommended daily intake (or daily value). 

Note:  I don’t think this shake is intended to be a meal replacement. However, as someone who has ALWAYS skipped breakfast, having a jam-packed nutritious boost to flavor my coffee is the perfect way to start any day!

Coffee chocolate and creamer substitute

Snuggles Will Start Your Day Right

We spend five minutes each morning and every night with some one-on-one time snuggling with each of our kids.

I am so thrilled that even my middle-school-aged-kiddo tells me that’s his favorite time of the day. Start and end each day with a hug and some moments where you connect with that which is the most important to you – your family.

I tell my kids what I love about them, the things they do that make me proud, and the hopes I have for them with their day. This five-minute “start” to our day doesn’t just make their day great, it reminds me of the “why” in my life, and reminds me why I am working hard.

When I am in the drudgery of the day, stuck in errands or trying to meet a deadline… I look back to this. This is why! Don’t skip your morning snuggles!

how to start a day for success

What Morning Habits Help You?

Do you play fun music or have other routines that start your day right? Whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

coffee creamer alternative with veggies

Many thanks, again, to Burt’s Bees for reminding me that mornings are important – and for their protein shakes which are helping me to start my day off right! To learn more about the product line, check out:  Burts Bees Facebook Page, follow Burts Bees on Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Burt’s Bees. The opinions and text are all mine.

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