Blinds. There is no quicker or more effective way to switch from natural light to privacy, please! Just a twist of the wrist and the magic happens. Surely, this is why just about every window in just about every house and apartment in the U.S. comes dressed with BLINDS. We have come to expect them. We have come to depend on them. Curtains and the like are just decorative bonuses; blinds do the grunt work.

But speaking of work, they sure is a lot of work to clean. Your house has to be clean almost all the time apart from when you have distractive and messy babes. Blinds collect dust like nobody’s business, and getting that dust off is a pain in the neck. It is time-consuming, and I know I’ve never felt like I’ve gotten mine completely dust-free–even after a day devoted to cleaning them. I am a clean freak and almost end up redoing them immediately. Do you relate? Yes?

Blinds Cleaning Hacks

Well, that was before I knew this awesome hack. The only hack you’ll ever need to clean window blinds. Are you ready? Like really ready?  Let’s figure out how to clean window blinds in the most effective and efficient way together!

How to Clean Window Blinds Efficiently

This exercise needs not to be boring! You can bring your kids to keep you company while doing the cleaning and teaching them a thing or two. The entire idea is meant to be a learning experience for everyone in your home. The more the merrier. And work gets done faster and efficiently. The three steps below are what is needed to be successful at this task.

1.Cleaning Equipment Needed

For a good blind cleaning experience, you need to have your tools with you all set. And not just any tools but the right ones to do the job. Good thing is we don’t have to go to mars to find our equipment. All the supplies for the cleaning are within reach and easily affordable. You’ll even surprise yourself to find that you have them in your home.

Tongs for Cleaning Blinds

Tongs; the one and only kitchen tongs. I know it sounds funny to use cooking utensils for cleaning your windows! You must already think its unhygienic but follow through the read and you’ll figure out it really ain’t. Though if you still cringe over the idea of you can get separate ones for your cleaning.

Kitchen Tongs Used For Blinds Cleaning Hack


Microfiber Clothes for Blind Cleaning

Two microfiber dust cloths. You may want to have some extra for swapping out when the originals get dusty.  The cloths are the regular cleaning towels for your surfaces so if you already have them in your home you don’t have to worry about getting new ones. The ones you have will certainly serve you right.

Fibre Cloths For Window Blinds Cleaning Hack

Rubber Bands to Hold it Together on Your Window Blinds

Four Rubber Bands. Alternatively, you can get a packet since they are not as expensive especially if sold in bulk. Plus they will come in handy whenever you need to clean your blinds in the future. And who said you can’t use them for some other purpose!

2. Directions for DIY Window Blinds Cleaning Hack

Now that you have all that you need with you, with a few hands and faces to help and entertain you, let’s go to work!

The cleaning steps are so simple to grasp and you don’t have to sweat while undertaking them. Easy peasy.

Once you have your supplies ready and your energy in place, we can get down to serious business. Though we ain’t frowning on this one. We are all smiles knowing we got a rescue for our windows. Folding our sleeves, here we go!

Wrapping Fibre Cloth On Tongs For DIY Blinds Cleaning

Step 1

First thing first. Neatly Wrap your dust cloths around each side of your tongs and secure them with two rubber bands a piece. Make sure that the smooth side of the dust cloth faces in and the seam is on the side or back for the most effective dusting. The hem or tag on the cloth will also help you in identifying which side is front and which is back.

Step 2

Second thing is to clasp your tongs around each individual blind. Then gently move across the blind in one direction with your tongs clasped. Since it is a clasp, both sides of the blind will be cleaned. A hack that is only enabled by our classic kitchen come cleaning tongs. Once done unclasp the blinds and just look at all of the dust that comes back! You won’t believe your eyes. Work on one blind until it is clean as you would want it to be. If extremely dirty you can change your dust cloth.

Clasp Cloth and Tongs For Window Blinds Cleaning Hack

Step 3

Rinse and repeat the same process for all the individual blinds as you take breaks in between. You can have a snack while doing so and make merry with the progress as you glare at your so clean window blinds. If your house is big and as a result has so many winds hence many blinds, you certainly need a psyche team and snacks to keep you going through.

The Most Efficient Way to Clean Window Blinds - attaching rags to tongs with rubber bands to clean window blinds.

If your dry cloths aren’t getting the job done, spray your favorite cleaner on the blinds as you go. We love making our own and use these DIY household cleaner recipes on this list to do it! They can be as scented as you wish to also leave a refreshing smell in your home. It will be somewhat like two wins at last. Plus in DIYing your cleaner or rather cleaning agent you get to learn how to do so for those that knew nothing about such.

Changing Out Cloths

Now, if your blinds are anything like mine, you’ll need to change your microfiber cloths out a few times over before you’re done. Being a clean freak I don’t think about the change of clothes as much. I just do it, since one is still saving mad amounts of time by using this hack!

3. Why This Method

This is seriously the most efficient way anyone has ever cleaned their blinds. Ever. I tried it the first time a few months ago and it didn’t disappoint me any bit. So I adapted it to my cleaning routines. After every one week, as I do my general house cleaning, I always look forward to my window blinds being sparkling clean with the tongs cleaning hack. Should I let you in on a secret? (Me winking shamelessly!) At times I let another week pass so that I can do my blinds. Not coz I am lazy but because they are usually still close to sparkling clean and I see it as an opportunity to focus my energy on something else that needs more attention and cleaning.

I kid you not! You will regret not knowing this cleaning method early enough. So ditch all that you have been using and hop into this DIY Blinds Cleaning Hack that does magic to your windows and leaves your energy levels not drained. Same as saving your time. Folks say goodbye to dirty windows and the mediocre (sorry to say so but…)  cleaning methods that you were so keen on using before.

After the whole exercise, you actually feel like you have used your energy on a worthy hack and can breathe fresh air did. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done as you soak your cleaning towels and clean your tongs and have them ready for the kitchen. The rubber bands if still intact can be kept for the next time or used elsewhere thus saving your budget in the long run.


Window blinds cleaning with a DIY cleaning agent

I appreciate that this method doesn’t require me to donate my favorite pair of tongs to the cleaning closet either. Just remove the cloths when you’re done, send the tongs through the dishwasher, and they’re ready to hang out with the kitchen utensils once again.

I’m waiting for the dust to settle on the blinds to get into this act again. Of all the methods my blinds have ever had this one was and still is the most efficient and super amazing results-giving hack. I could literally place food on the blinds and eat from there without having to worry about hygiene. Coz boy! These blinds are the cleanest thing you’ll have in your home and a feeling of joy will be inevitable.

So, happy cleaning, friends! We’d love to hear how it goes for you in the comments section! We can’t wait to know how the experience was for you and whether you are finally adding this hack to your cleaning routine.

Enjoyed this Super Effective and Efficient Cleaning Window Blinds Hack? Have a Look at Other Cleaning Tips:

We dream of having a clean house- but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?

– Marcus Buckingham.

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1 Comment

  1. You tell us how to clean blinds but I don’t have any idea how to clean DAY and NIGHT BLINDS! Seams no one has an answer! These Blinds are expensive so got to keep them or purchase new Blinds