Tired of scrubbing at stains only to have them not disappear…again? Whether you have stains on your laundry, your pans, or your furniture, use these genius stain removal tips to get rid of tough stains with ease. How to remove stains? Check these hacks!

Stains are unavoidable and are sometimes a pain to deal with, even if you rinse them again and again. However, there’s always a stain removal solution even for the most impossible-looking stain. 

18 Must-Try Stain Removal Hacks For The House

You probably have several things in your home that can be useful in removing even the toughest of stains. Before giving in to your first inclination to toss out your stained item (trust me, I completely understand that impulse) or buy yet another stain remover, stop for a minute.

Check out these top-notch stain removal tricks for getting rid of stains using supplies you already have. From pots and pans to your favorite couch, we’ve got you covered!

How to Remove Stains For Every Part of Your Home

These tips cover stain removal from almost about everything in life. Check them out – they are so amazing that you’ll thank me later!

1. Miracle DIY General Stain Removal Hack

The hardest part of stain removal is in trying to figure the type of stain so that you can know how to treat it. Here’s some good news: you can now afford to take out the guesswork in trying to figure out what each stain is by using this DIY stain remover. The most amazing thing about it is that it works on just about any clothing stain you can imagine. Whether it be sauce, ink stains, blood stains, wine stains, (especially the red wine stains), grease stains on cotton, they’ll all be gone!

For this miracle general stain removal hack, mix equal parts of Blue Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. Put the solution on the stained part of the cloth and let it work its magic. Also, check out these amazing homemade laundry recipes.

stain removal - DIY miracle stain remover in a bottle


2. DIY Magic Carpet Stain Removal Solution

Got kids, pets, or both? There’s a 99.9% chance you’ve got carpets filled with every imaginable stain. Have no fear, there’s a DIY stain removal solution that works like magic! Bade goodbye to your old liquid detergent which doesn’t seem to get the job done.

To make it, all you need is 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 2 parts water, your favorite essential oil, and a dark-colored bottle. Mix all ingredients in the bottle and shake lightly to mix. To use it, spray liberally on the stained carpet, allow it to sit for a minute or 2, and then scrub.  Blot out any liquid if you need to use a rag and repeat the process until your carpet is clear of the stain. 

This magic carpet stain removal solution is also safe to use on upholstery. 

stain removal - bottle of hydrogen peroxide topical solution and scrubbing brush on carpet with the caption BEST CARPET STAIN REMOVER


3. Easiest Water Stain Removal Trick 

Water stains aren’t the easiest to clean! It seemed like no matter what I do, they always came back… until I discovered the power of lemons! Now all I have to do is rub a cut lemon on the sink and tap to get rid of water stains in a snap. Now, dull-looking sinks and taps are a thing of the past. 

4. Simple Toilet Stain Removal Tricks You Need To Know

Toilet stains come in various shapes and forms, not forgetting the odors. Worry not, you can quickly learn how to get rid of just about any toilet stain in our toilet cleaning tips post. It’s a must-read!

photo collage of toilet stain removal hacks - DIY toilet stain removal, packet of pure baking soda, putting toothpaste into toilet bowl, using dish soap to unclog the toilet

5. Remove Stains from a Pizza Stone 

The pizza stone is so low maintenance that it can comfortably go through about 30-40 pizzas before it needs cleaning. However, when it’s time to clean it, take care not to ruin it by soaking or using soap and water on it. Simply run your pizza stones through the oven’s self-cleaning cycle to get them looking like new again. Cool water in one wash cycle will do the trick! Couldn’t be easier!

stain removal hacks - clean pizza stone

6. Did You Know How Powerful Lemons Are In Stain Removal? 

You’ve gotta check out and try this stain removal hack the next time you have a stubborn cooked-on spill or a baked on mess in a pan or pot.  Using lemons to remove a stain is a genius idea and something we have used for a lot of different situations, but this is one of the easiest removal of cooked on grime we have seen in a long time! Say goodbye to plate sponge rashes!

7. Best Stain Removal For Pet Accident Stains  

If you’ve got pets, you know very well that pet accident stains are bound to happen sooner or later. When they do, you can get rid of pet accident stains with baking soda and vinegar. The trick is to pour the vinegar first to soak the stain and then add the baking soda powder. Leave it to dry and then vacuum the spot. This stain removal hack for pet accident stains leaves your carpet so clean and looking like it never happened. 

stain removal hacks - stain on carpet covered with baking soda next to a bottle of vinegar and a container with baking soda

8. Straightforward Rust Stain Removal From Cast Iron 

Sometimes life happens and your cast iron pans get rusty. Probably they were stored while still wet or got in contact with water somehow. No worries though, you can easily remove rust stains out of cast iron pans with a steel wool scouring pad. Be sure to season your pans right after they’ve been scoured and washed, to prevent the rust from recurring. Good riddance, pesky mineral spirits!

stain removal hacks - cast iron pan with rust stains

9. Best Stain Removal For Grimy Glass Bakeware 

Looking for the absolute best way to get the gunk out of your glass bakeware? In some desperate cases one might just use a liquid laundry detergent, but PLEASE don’t go that way. This is a tested stain removal hack for glass bakeware and it was found that baking soda and dish soap were the most effective. Who knew?

10. Effortless Calcium Build-Up Stain Removal Hack 

If you live in an area with hard water, battling calcium build-up on your faucets is certain so you better be armed.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • CLR
  • water
  • plastic bag
  • rubber band
  • gloves
  • rag


  1. Fill the plastic bag with 1 part CLR and 1 part water.

  2. Secure it on the faucet spout with a rubber band, leave it in place for a few hours, and then use the rag to wipe off the build-up. Your faucet should be back to its sparkling and shiny state. 

Tip: Before using the CLR, read the care label to be sure it’s compatible with your faucet material. It’s advisable to spot test before trying out this calcium build-up stain removal hack

stain removal hacks - faucet covered in plastic bag with a solution of equal parts CLR and water

11. Painless Way To Removal Urine Stains Mattresses

It’s not pleasant to talk about, but if you have young kids, you likely have urine and sweat stains on at least one mattress.

Get out those yucky, smelly mattress urine stains with a mixture of baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap. I can’t believe how amazing this hack works!

stain removal - before & after photo collage of HOW TO GET RID OF URINE & SWEAT STAINS out of your mattress

12. Wanna Have The Whitest Pillows? 

Wash and whiten your pillows in your washing machine – it’s super easy!

The easiest stain removal trick for the whitest pillows is simply to add dishwashing detergent in addition to your laundry detergent, bleach, cold water, and washing soda. 

stain removal - person putting detergent in washing machine

13. Permanent Marker Stain Removal 

Every parent has dealt with permanent marker stains on their garments at one time or another. Get those permanent marker stains out of every kind of fabric. You’ll start by putting some paper towels between the stain and the other side of the fabric to help stop the stain from spreading.  Next, dab your stain remover of choice onto the marker stain using a cloth. Your stain remover could either be rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, aerosol hairspray, nail polish remover, white vinegar, cream of tartar, lemon juice, or regular toothpaste. Keep dabbing and adding more stain remover as needed until the stain is gone. 

Only do this for regular fabrics but send delicate fabrics to a dry cleaner.Ain’t it funny how those permanent marker stains aren’t that permanent after all? 

stain removal - assorted permanent markers in a box

14. Remove Sweat Stains From Clothes

There’s nothing that cramps your style like those pretty tees with stained armpits. Keep those t-shirts looking practically new by getting rid of unsightly armpit stains with hydrogen peroxide and Dawn. Don’t you wish you’d known this years ago? 

stain removal - photo collage of the Before & After of a tee shirt with and without stained armpits

15. Secret To Spic and Span Shower Curtains 

If your shower curtain liner looks gross, don’t bother cleaning it by hand! Toss it in the washing machine with a cup of vinegar and a couple of towels. Wash it on a somehow hot water, gentle cycle, and then hang it to dry. Just do NOT put it in the dryer.

Couldn’t be easier, right?

stain removal - bath tub enclosed with a clear shower curtain

16. Spot Clean You Microfiber Furniture 

Microfiber furniture is terrific until it gets really dirty, then it can become difficult to clean without leaving discoloration.

Avoid those unsightly stains by using rubbing alcohol and a scrubbing brush to spot clean microfiber furniture. 

stain removal - rubbing alcohol, scrubbing brush and rag on microfiber couch

17. Restore Unsightly Bakeware With Supplies and Tools You Already Have

Your bakeware will eventually get stained after years of use. It’s not a big deal as you can always get it looking shiny and new again with oven cleaner, abrasive pads, and a few other household tools. Also, learn the best ways to remove bakeware stains.  

stain removal - before and after photo collage of a restored baking tray

18. Science To The Rescue For White Cutting Boards 

This will sound like a scientific experiment because it truly is. The combination of lemon and sunshine will get your white cutting board pristine again. This is brilliant, and I can’t wait to try out this experiment! 

stain removal - before and after photo collage of stained and pristine white cutting board

19. Clean Copper Pots Naturally 

Clean copper pots with vinegar and salt. In 10 minutes or less, you can have those copper-bottomed pots shining again like new. All you need is salt, white vinegar, a scouring pad, and some muscle strength. 

stain removal - 3 shining copper pots with the caption How to get your copper pots shining like new!

There’s no doubt that stains can be a frustrating inconvenience any way you look at it. But, with these handy stain removal hacks, you can remove almost any stain with very little effort.

Just, don’t give up on that stain yet…there’s still hope.

photo collage of 18 STAIN REMOVAL HACKS you need to know - rusted cast iron pan, faucet wrapped in plastic bag with stain removal solution, and bath tub covered in clear shower curtain

Loved Trying Out These Stain Removal Hacks? Here Are More Cleaning Tips You Might Want To Check Out: 

Which “how to remove stains” hack have you tried and is most effective for you?

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