Summer is upon us, and with that comes fun in the sun, sand at the beach and chlorine from your local swimming pools. All of these can really take a toll on your hair, so I have gathered some essential healthy hair tips to survive this summer. I will share tips and tricks to protect your hair, and keep it looking gorgeous and healthy. These tips will keep your hair looking healthy and people being envious of that shine.
The summer heat can leave the pores of the skin and scalp open, allowing it to dry out easier. Take a seat and relax, and scroll through these healthy hair tips to find ways to protect your hair from the summer sun!
Healthy Hair Tips for the Summer Season
1. Cover Your Head
If you can, wear a hat or cover your head with a scarf. By covering your hair it will help protect it from harmful UV rays, and help keep the moisture in. If you have ever burned your scalp, you know how painful that can be!
2. Sunscreen
This is a great tip to do, when you finish applying your sunscreen to your body, don’t wash those hands. Run your fingers through your hair lightly to help add a little more protection to your hair. If your scalp is showing through your part, don’t forget that!
3. Don’t Wash The Day Of Swimming
If you have plans to go swimming make sure not to wash your hair the day of swimming. It can strip away those protective oils. It will leave your hair more apt to get damage and dry out. Go an extra step and deep condition your hair the day before, to add extra protection.
4. Wet Hair Before Diving Into The Swimming Pool
Right before you take a dip in the swimming pool, rinse your hair with water. This will help your hair absorb less chlorine. Then after you finish swimming, wash and deep condition hair after, to protect and get rid of minerals and chlorine.
5. Wash Hair Less Often
Try and skip a few shampoos during the summer. This will help your hair moisturize itself naturally. When you do wash it look for brands that offer a high SPF and that are gentle and nourishing. I prefer brands like Pantene, Bumble and Bumble, or Head and Shoulders. You can find so many shampoos that are nourishing, just read the label to find one that fits you.
6. Wear Hair Up Loosely Or In a Braid
Okay, so summer can cause your hair to be dry and brittle. Wearing your hair up loosely will help prevent breakage and keep you cooler. Try doing a loose messy braid or a messy bun. Don’t pull your hair up and make it tight, think loose if you wear your hair up.
7. Protein Rich Foods for Strong Hair
Consider adding in protein-rich foods like fish and nuts into your daily diet. Hair is made of keratin, which is a protein. Eating more protein can provide more nutrients for your hair.
8. Air Dry Your Hair
Skip blow drying your hair when you can and allow your hair to dry on its own. Using heat can really add damage to your hair, and you don’t want to pull out any moisture, so skip the dryer and let it dry naturally!
9. Add Shine with Apple Cider Vinegar
If your hair is looking a little dull add some shine with apple cider vinegar. Chlorine can really dry and dull hair so this is a simple way to restore that shine. Dilute 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water. Pour it over your hair right after you shampoo, then rinse it out. You can do this once a week.
10. Rinse Hair in Cool Water
I am guilty of liking a hot shower, but when you go to rinse your locks, switch it over to cool water. It will help your hair cuticles lay flat and create a smooth healthy look.
11. Satin Pillowcase
If you want to go the extra mile invest in a satin pillowcase. It will help keep your hair from breaking because it is a nice slippery surface and gentle to the skin!
12. Wide Tooth Comb
Skip the hairbrush and go with a wide tooth comb instead. It will untangle your hair without adding more damage!
13. Pass On Styling Tools and Products
When you can, try to use less styling tools and hair care products. This can lessen the damage to your hair. In the summer the heat and sun become an added issue, so removing products and tools when you can is helpful.
14. Trim Hair In Summer
Summer is prime time for split ends. Make sure to keep up with getting your hair trimmed, to keep it looking healthy and have flowing gorgeous locks.
15. Frizz Control
If your hair is frizzy, you might struggle with not using products. Feel free to use them as needed. One tip is to run a humidifier in your room at night to help manage the frizz.
Follow These Healthy Hair Tips to Minimize Summer Damage
Making sure you take these simple steps will help protect your hair during the summer season and allow you to enjoy all of your favorite summer activities without damaging your hair.
More Simple Hair Tips:
- 12 Braids for Uncoordinated People
- 5 Minute (Or Less!) Quick Braids to Try Out
- 15 Gorgeous Beach Hair Ideas for Summer
- 15 Easy Bun Hairstyles to Rock This Summer
Which of these healthy hair tips is your favorite?