If you have a tough cleaning job that’s going to require a little more elbow grease than usual, this homemade scrub cleaner is here to help you. Best of all, this green cleaning recipe is made with ingredients you already have in your kitchen!

Super Easy Homemade Scrub Cleaner Recipe

Homemade Scrub Cleaner Recipe

The bathroom is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of problematic zones in our house. It’s one of the places that I dislike the most to clean… I mean there’s the tile and the tub and the toilet bowl and then all those difficult-to-clean places. Top that with the fact that’s also one of the rooms that usually needs more elbow grease and you just got yourself the worst combo ever.


However, after attending a free class in my local supermarket to DIY your own cleaners I discovered something. The more difficult the space is to clean (meaning the dirtier it is), the stronger your cleaner needs to be. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to go with store-bought full of chemical cleaners. You can go with the DIY, all natural, super clean and oh-so-affordable version.


And while it definitely needed some tests and tries I think I can finally say that this homemade scrub cleaner is a difficult room life saver. This is hard, friends, it will really help you tackle those dirty places in your bathroom but best of all it will do the heavy work for you! Say what? Count me in!


How to Make a Homemade Scrub Cleaner

To make this Homemade Scrub Cleaner you only need 3 ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. 1 part of salt, 1 part of baking powder and 1 part coffee (used ones work great). Just mix everything in a bowl and use it with a brush.


Not only the smell is delicious (freshly brewed coffee scent? I’ll take it!), but it’s also the best way to get rid of stains in no time.


If you enjoyed this homemade scrub cleaner recipe, try these diy cleaning recipes:

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