Nothing can be better than what Mother Nature intended. Essential oils are what run through a plant providing essential nutrients to cells and eliminating waste. Without these “essential” oils, a plant would die.

Like they would in a plant, essential oils permeate the cell walls in your skin to give nutrients to your cells just by rubbing them on your skin. In addition to using topically, essential oils have been used for thousands of years with aromatherapy benefits – the molecules of the oils are carried through your sinuses to the limbic system of your brain, affecting moods and more!
lavender field tall blog post
Below is a list of top essential oils and how they can be used to treat, cure and maintain your overall health just as Mother Nature intended:

  • Lavender: Taking the essential oils from Lavender or evergreen perennials can be used to reduce anxiety, decrease sleeplessness, alleviate headaches and slow aging. Applying lavender to your hands, face or forehead can quickly reduce anxiety, relax you, relieve headaches and help you sleep. To achieve the benefits of lavender’s antioxidant and anti-aging properties, put a couple drops in a glass of water, juice or food.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is derived from a cross between the water mint and spearmint plant. Place a couple drops on your forehead, around the outside of your ears or on your temples to relieve, congestion, clear sinuses, help with ear infections and alleviate headaches. Use a few drops in your tea or water to help an upset stomach or motion sickness. Add a few drops to your bath water to calm and relax you from a stressful day.
  • Lemon: Lemon essential oil is derived from lemon rinds. Just like the lemon itself, essential oils can promote healing qualities such as being an immune booster, cough suppressor and nausea relief just by adding a few drops into a glass of water. A few drops can also help with bad breath, digestion, nutrient absorption and cholesterol. Use it on your body to nourish the skin.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus essential oil is derived from Eucalyptus leaves themselves. Not only is this essential oil great for cough and colds, but it is a disinfectant as well, and proves to be an ideal natural cleaner for bathrooms and kitchens. Add a few drops to water in a spray bottle and clean away. Put a few drops in tea or water for cold relief. Rub on hands, head and body to help with congestion or pain.
  • Frankincense:  Frankinsence essential oil is grown most commonly in Somalia and is known for its effect on the limbic or nervous system. It can be great to help relieve stress, fight anxiety and as the oil is a powerful astringent it has been used to help correct skin blemishes. This is one of my favorite oils!

These are just a few essential oils, to always keep on hand.

essential oil necklaces

Best Oil Diffuser Necklace

We love Essential Oils and hope you do too!! Today we are partnering with an Amazon store to bring you discounts on three essential oil diffusing necklaces!

All of the diffusers are made with surgical stainless steel – meaning they are guaranteed to not stain or leak oils, and are perfect for every skin type! They each come with 4 leather scent pads, a sturdy chain, a 24 page e-book of oily recipes AND are gift-ready in a box.

10% off with this code >> 5W63LE9J

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